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36 — Optimum Selection Database System

by Frank Font

The program discussed in this chapter is included on the CD-ROM as the Best Team Selector. Figure 36.1 shows the Best Team Selector program main screen. In a small and hopefully interesting way, it demonstrates some of the power that Visual Basic 4.0 brings the programmer. As many developers have discovered, there is always a way to make Visual Basic do what you want.

Figure 36.1. Main screen of the Best Team Selector program.

This chapter will dissect this moderately complex database application to study the use of several VB4 programming techniques and data access methods. In particular, we will take a close look at how this program implements some of the following:

But before we get into those details, let's spend a little time looking at what this program does and doesn't do.

The Concept

As implied by its name, Best Team Selector (BTS) analyzes a database of candidates and reports a combination that makes a best team to staff a project. Candidates are described by the skills they possess. Projects are described by the skills needed to tackle them. This program could be used to find a best team to work on a technology project, as illustrated by the sample database supplied with the program, or a best fantasy baseball team, football team, you name it. For instance, you could describe the skills your favorite baseball players possess, describe the skills a baseball team needs by position, press the Select Best Team button, and presto: You have an awesome fantasy baseball team. The gist is this: If team members can be described by the skills they possess, and the things the teams do can be described by the skills needed to do them, you can use this program to pick a team for you.


If you have not done so already, now is a good time to copy the program from the CD-ROM into a directory that you can edit. For example, you may wish to create a directory on your C drive called BTS and copy all the program files to it. Once off the CD-ROM, you can load the project into VB by opening the MAKETEAM.VBP project file. To see the program run from the VB4 environment, select Start With Full Compile from the Run menu or press Ctrl+F5. When the program starts, it automatically loads the sample database.

In the sample database Frank's Virtual Workshop, many of the skills are technology-oriented, such as VB Programming. Each skill a candidate has is rated on a scale from 1 to 10 with 10 being the best, and 1 being, well, really bad. To see the skills of our hypothetical candidates, select the Candidates tab and then the Detail subtab. You can view each candidate in the database by pressing the left and right arrows of the data control called Candidate Scroll.

The candidate skills come from a master list of skills available through the Skills tab. Press the Skills tab to switch into that tab page. This is where you define any skill you think might matter. Skills from the master list are assigned to candidates back on the Candidates tab page. The skills themselves have no rating, only the ability of a candidate to apply a skill is rated.

Job titles are described on the Titles tab screen. A title is just a group of skills lumped together and given a name. The sample database, Frank's Virtual Workshop, defines a software tester as someone who has some skill in English Writing and Regression Testing.

Projects are just tasks that require people with certain skill sets. In BTS, those skill sets are identified by job title. In the sample database, the Superstore Billing System project requires two Programmer/Analysts, one Computer Graphic Artist, and one Software Tester.

Pressing the Select Best Team button on the Teams tab screen for the sample Superstore Billing System project comes back with the following list:

Title                                   Name

Computer Graphic Artist                 Mellissa Armona

Programmer/Analyst                      Greg Algol

Programmer/Analyst                      John Derio

Software Tester                         Todd Chelder

Although there are other teams in this database that may be just as good, there is no better team. A program that finds all best teams could be a lot slower to execute than this one, but could be built from the code in this Best Team Selector. The programming involved to do that is beyond the scope of this presentation.

How to Use the Program

To begin a new analysis, select New from the file menu. This gives you a blank database. Alternatively, select an existing database and modify it to your needs. For example, you could start with the sample database and alter the candidates to reflect your scenario if you want to start with the skills already defined there.

If your database does not already have the relevant skills for your projects, start by adding them. Once you have defined most of the skills, figure out the types of jobs members of your team would perform and give each type a name. Each job type is named and defined in the Titles section of the program. Titles are defined by the skills attributed to them.

At this point you may either enter your candidate information or define your projects. Candidates are described by the information on the Detail subscreen of the Candidate tab page. Skills are attributed to each candidate from the list of skills entered earlier into the database. Each skill is assigned with a rating, where 10 is the best, and 1 is the worst. Projects are defined by the titles that are needed to work on them.

Once your database is populated with Candidates and Projects, you are ready to find optimal teams. Do this by selecting the Team tab page and then identifying the project of interest from the combo box (see Figure 36.2).

Figure 36.2. The starting of the selection process.

Pressing the Select Best Team button brings up the Settings form that lets you specify whether or not you only want exact skill matches to be considered. This means that if exact skill matches are required, a candidate that is missing any skill defined for a title will not be considered for that title. This may cause a result where no team can be picked because none of the available candidates can do a particular job by that strict requirement. If exact matches are not required, all candidates are considered for all jobs. However, for every skill a candidate does not have, a huge disadvantage is attributed to that candidate. The result is that better fitting candidates are more readily considered for the jobs that they fit well, but all jobs will be filled as long as breathing bodies are available.

Because the BTS program only reports one best team, you can fiddle around a bit with the scenarios by making some employees unavailable for consideration. This is easily done by toggling the Available checkbox for the candidate on the Detail subtab screen of the Candidate tab page.

Team selections are overwritten every time a new team is selected. When a team is selected, a cost is displayed. This cost value can be used for comparison between teams of the same project. No printing capabilities have been built into this sample program.


This sample program has not been tested rigorously enough to ensure faultless operation. You should restrict its use to entertainment purposes only.

Pointing to User-Defined Data Structures

Unlike some other languages, such as C/C++ and Pascal, Visual Basic does not support a pointer datatype that you can use for general referencing purposes in your programs.

In the loosest sense, the general concept of a pointer datatype is that it does not contain any data directly that is of particular use to a program, but rather that it points to something that might be of interest. For example, an integer datatype holds a number that a program can use to store a value of some importance. Conceptually, a pointer might be used to point to that integer. If the program accessed the pointer, it would really just be accessing the value of the integer it is pointing to.

Best Team Selector simulates the functionality of a pointer datatype to pass the user-defined type memjrec_t to and from procedure and functions. Just as a real pointer would tell the program where to find a structure, the index to an array of user defined types does the same. The reason for doing this is that BTS has to allocate and deallocate memjrec_t nodes as it calculates possible candidate combinations.

The MEM.BAS file (module frmMEM) contains all the procedures used to implement this simulation. VB programmers that take a close look at that module will notice that the allocation of memory is simulated by the simplest means—a sequential search of the memPool() array. This is okay for small memory sizes, but very inefficient for larger pools. If you want to boost the performance of BTS significantly, this is a good place to spend some time.

The Heap

A heap in computer science terms is a type of memory structure that keeps its contents sorted. The BTS program does not really implement a heap, as a close look at the code in HEAP.BAS shows, but it does present the interface routines that could wrap a real heap in VB.

Heaps are usually implemented as linked structures, although they can be implemented in arrays. Simulating linked structures is facilitated by the routines in MEM.BAS.

If you really want to wring performance out of the BTS program, this is also a section that will give a lot of return on time invested. There are many books that explain heap structures. A good university bookstore should have several data structure books that describe heap implementations.

Looking at the Branch and Bound Algorithm

There are several ways to solve optimization problems like the ones that BTS is built for. A general type of algorithm that could do it is known as back tracking. In this method, a program systematically constructs combinations until it has constructed every possible one. At that point, the program knows from brute force which combination was the best. That's great only if you have very few members to experimentally combine.

To get an idea how analyzing all combinations can quickly become an intractable problem, look at the numbers in the following table.

Number of Candidates

Size of a Team

Total Combinations







































approx. 18x10^18

This table is only meant to give an idea of how bulky the problem can become. In reality, calculating the number of possible team member combinations is more complicated. Because the BTS program allows a candidate to qualify for more than one type of position, the total number of combinations can actually be substantially more than indicated in the table. In fact, the actual number of team solutions can be more like a permutation calculation than a combination calculation. To illustrate what this can mean, the permutations of 64 candidates where there are 32 on a team is approximately 48x10^51. (That's 48 followed by 51 zeros! Translation: Man that's a big number.)

The Branch and Bound algorithm reduces the number of combinations it builds by taking smart guesses at which might prove fruitful, and which might not. A well-designed Branch and Bound implementation will not waste much time on bad combinations. Because fewer combinations are sampled, the Branch and Bound can be faster than the Backtracking alternative. In some cases, this can mean the difference between an answer in a million years and an answer within the hour.

A very simplified Branch and Bound algorithm looks like this:

  1. Initialize everything.

  2. If we have found a best combination, print the result and end.

  3. Form another combination by adding a candidate to an existing partial team that has potential to be the best.

  4. If step 3 could find no more potential team members, fail. Otherwise, go to step 2.

The BB() function in the MINIMIZE.BAS file implements those steps. Step 1 is carried out by function AnswerNode(). Step 3 is carried out by function Expand(). Let's get an overview of how these functions do their jobs.

The AnswerNode() function determines if the current candidate was the last possible addition to a team by comparing its job count number to the total number of jobs required on the team. Because the program keeps track of team additions by incrementing a job count, when these figures match, the team is filled. The Branch and Bound algorithm only builds teams that can be the best, so the fact that we have a complete team implies we have a best team.

The Expand() function is more difficult to understand. The loosest explanation is that it creates a node representing the addition of another team member for each possible type of team member addition at that particular point in time. Of special significance, and where the power of the Branch and Bound algorithm springs, is that each new node is assigned an estimated cost. The estimated cost of each node determines whether the algorithm will pursue combinations derived from that node.

Estimating the cost can be a very complex topic in its own right and there are many ways to do it. The BTS program approaches the task by figuring a matrix of each candidate vs. each job. This matrix contains the cost of the candidate doing every job. Because the engine of this program is designed to minimize the total cost of a team and the inputs specify 10 as better than 9 and so forth, the higher numbers are translated to lower numbers up front by the CalcCost() function. The job cost estimates are then computed by taking the minimum value of each row, where each row of the matrix represents a particular job on the team. The InitMinsTable() carries out this process.

The logic of applying the minimum values to predict the total cost is this: If we add up all the minimums from a filled job down to the last job, we have an estimate that can be no worse than any real result. Since the real cost is never less than this sum-based estimate, a large minimum sum indicates a poor combination choice.

Nodes are kept in memory, ready for plucking by lowest cost. Using a heap for this is a good solution because we can efficiently find the lowest cost node when we need it. We pluck the lowest cost node to figure new team possibilities and then repeat the process. By this means we end up constructing a team that can be no worse than any other.

This trek only superficially explains the Branch and Bound concept. For a detailed explanation and discussions of related concepts that are touched on here, you should consider purchasing a good fundamental algorithms book. Most university and college bookstores carry them.

Managing Your Forms

There are two general form management approaches. A popular choice is the Multiple Document Interface, MDI method, where the program forms are contained within a parent form. Alternatively, a program can go the Single Document Interface, SDI, route as this one does.

An SDI interface, more than an MDI, requires the programmer to decide the following basic construction/flow items up front:

  1. Will there be a main form?

  2. Will several forms be available at once?

In BTS, the answer to the first question is yes, and the answer to the second is no. This is a relatively easy way to implement a VB program. BTS implements the results to preceding questions 1 and 2 by following these rules:

  1. The main form is never unloaded or hidden during normal operation.

  2. All sub-forms are displayed in Modal fashion so that nothing can be done on other forms while the sub-form is presented for input.

As illustrated by the single line of the HelpAbout_Click() function in the frmMain module:

     frmAbout.Show 1

The 1 after the method keyword Show forces VB to wait until that form is no longer visible before allowing input to other forms. In other words, frmAbout is a modal form. All the sub-forms of this application are loaded in the same way (see Figure 36.3).

Figure 36.3. The ABOUT form selected from the HELP menu.

Make a Splash

As with most programs heavy on database access and loaded with custom controls, BTS can take a little while to load. Few things confuse some users more than starting a program and then seeing nothing happen for several seconds or more. In the old days, that was enough to make some people reboot.

The most common way to entertain the user while their program loads is to paint a Splash screen first and then start loading and setting up whatever program modules are to do business with the user. Making this type of screen and displaying it first is fun and easy in VB4. Here's how it's done in BTS:

  1. Select Options from the Tools menu of the VB form designer and click on the Project tab. Set Startup Form to Sub Main.

  2. Create a module in your project, call it anything you want, and create a subroutine called MAIN in it. The one in BTS is located in the MAIN.BAS module and contains only the following line:

    This loads the BTS splash screen, in this case called frmSplash (see Figure 36.4).

  3. Figure 36.4. The SPLASH screen at design time.

  4. Now comes the neat trick: VB is funny about painting when it is busy executing our code so we force it to paint the splash screen before it begins the heavy work of loading and configuring our program. The code in the BTS splash screen that does this is as follows:

    Private Sub Form_Initialize()
    'Center the form on the screen.
    Left = (Screen.width - Width) / 2
    TOP = (Screen.Height - Height) / 2

    'Set the hourglass pointer.
    MousePointer = 11

    'Display version information on label control.
    lblVersion.Caption = "Version" + gProgramVersion
    End Sub

    Private Sub Form_Activate()
    'Force Windows to display our screen before moving on.

    'Start the main program loading and configuring from this point on.
    Load frmMain
    End Sub

    In the BTS case, frmMain is the only thing that needs to load and show. If there were other modules that might be displayed frequently during program operation, we would load them here, also.

  5. Unload the splash screen from the last module of the program that you load. Because BTS only has one module to load at start time, we unload the splash screen and restore the mouse pointer with the following two lines in the Form_Activate procedure of the frmMain form:

    Unload frmSplash
    MousePointer = 0

That's all there is to it. Just keep in mind that the splash screen should not have too many controls or be very large because this might slow down its load time. It would be silly to need a splash screen for your splash screen.

Why Use Tabs

Because it's easy. Easy to implement, and —okay, some people may not agree with this—easy to use. Each tabbed screen in this program could have been implemented as a separate form but that would have required code to manage those forms. Instead, each screen is just laid onto a pane of an SSTab control. The tab control does the display management for you.

Some users love tabs, some hate tabs. Some folks are not sure if they love or hate them. One thing is for sure however, we will see more tabs because Windows 95 uses them throughout its utilities. My guess is that as people become more familiar with using this interface, they will move on to other areas to complain about. Users always have to complain.

To see how the main tab control is configured in this program, press the right mouse button over the Candidates tab while in design mode and pick properties from the popup menu that appears. This displays the Sheridan Tabbed Dialog Control Properties interface, which is not the same one you get when you press F4 on a selected SSTab but is more intuitive to work with. You see here that each tab screen has a TabCaption, which is the text you see at the bottom of the BTS program. The number of tabs supported by the control is simply set by the Tab Count property. If you view the properties of the tab control nested into the Candidates tab screen with the Detail and Summary tab labels, you will notice that its Style is set to the Windows 95 Property Page so that the tab labels bunch over to the left. The main tab control spreads its tab labels across the entire width of the screen because there is room to do it. Likewise, the tabs in the Skills of Candidate area of this same screen cover the width of the tab page section. The full spread style is Microsoft Office Tabbed Dialog, named after the fact that this style is employed in the Microsoft office software that began shipping back in 1994.

When building your programs, treat each tab screen as a form in the sense that it contains the controls you wish to use. Drop 'em, size 'em, configure 'em, and move onto the next tab screen. It's that simple.

At runtime, you can tell what tab the user is on by reading the TAG property of your Tab control. The tab values will match those visible in the property display at design time. The SSTab control on the Candidate Detail tab page has the following code on the Click event:

Private Sub tabCandidateSkill_Click(PreviousTab As Integer)

  Dim thekey

  thekey = lstCandidateSkill.BoundText

  Select Case tabCandidateSkill.Tab

  Case 0


    If Len(CStr(txtCandidateKey)) > 0 Then

      If txtCandidateKey > -1 Then 'Flag that no candidate is selected.

        'We have a candidate so list his/her skills.

        On Error Resume Next

        dbaCandidateSkill.RecordSource = "Select * From qryCandidateSkillRating_ Where CandidateKey=" + txtCandidateKey



        lstCandidateSkill.Refresh     'Due to Beta6 trouble.

        dbaCandidateSkill.Refresh     'Due to Beta6 trouble.

      End If

    End If

  Case 1  'Add


    cboAddSkill = ""

    txtAddRating = gDefaultRating

  Case 2  'Edit

    'Get the current record.

    If IsNull(thekey) Or Len(Trim$(thekey)) < 1 Then

      MsgBox "No candidate skill is selected.", 64, gProgramTitle

      tabCandidateSkill.Tab = 0


      dbaCandidateSkill.Recordset.FindFirst "CandidateSkillsKey=" + Str$(thekey)

      txtEditSkill = dbaCandidateSkill.Recordset![Name]

      txtEditRating = dbaCandidateSkill.Recordset![Rating]

    End If

  Case 3


    If IsNull(thekey) Or Len(Trim$(thekey)) < 1 Then

      MsgBox "No candidate skill is selected.", 64, gProgramTitle

      tabCandidateSkill.Tab = 0


      dbaCandidateSkill.Recordset.FindFirst "CandidateSkillsKey=" + Str$(thekey)

    End If

  End Select

End Sub

When the Click event is triggered, the Tab value is already set to the new page. Although the preceding code example does not need this, you can tell where the user was before by reading the value of the PreviousTab parameter. This is a feature not readily available when using separate forms instead of a tab interface.

The Database

Figure 36.5 shows the tables and relationships of the database used by the BTS program. The relationships among tables are represented by the lines connecting the matching fields. A relationship of one-to-many is represented by a number 1 on the one side and an infinity symbol on the many side.

Figure 36.5. MAKETEAM database relationship diagram.


Although it is possible to create a database design using VB4 and its tools, other tools are available that make that job easier. This database was created using Access 2.0.

The candidate records are in their own table. Likewise, there is a table for skills and a table for projects. Connecting these tables are linking tables that relate the contents of the tables to each other. For example, tblCandidateSkill is a table that links skills from tblSkill to candidates from tblCandidate. Figures 36.6 through 36.8 show the structure detail of these particular tables.

Figure 36.6. Detail of Candidates table.

Figure 36.7. Detail of Skills table.

Figure 36.8. Detail of linking table for candidates and their skills.

Although the BTS program uses an Access 2.0 database structure, there is no reason this database could not be implemented in any number of other schemes. However, Access has an advantage within VB that it is handled directly by the Jet engine and thus runs faster than some others.

Getting to the Data

Although some database access is done in BTS through dynamically declared data objects, most of the access is handled through VB Data controls. These controls have the advantage of convenience.

At design time, the DatabaseName property of every Data control was left blank. Otherwise, the program will try to load a database at whatever directory was used during development. Instead of hardcoding a directory, the program sets the datasource of all the main Data controls to the application directory as follows:


'Open the selected database.  Returns FALSE if error.


Public Function SetDatabase(AP As String) As Boolean

  On Error GoTo SetDatabase_SomethingBad

  'Open main database.

  gMainDBName = AP

  Set gMainDB = Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(gMainDBName)

  'Adjust the data controls to proper path.

  dbaCandidate.DatabaseName = gMainDBName

  dbaCandidateSkill.DatabaseName = gMainDBName

  dbaSkills.DatabaseName = gMainDBName

  dbaJobProject.DatabaseName = gMainDBName

  dbaProject.DatabaseName = gMainDBName

  dbaJobtitle.DatabaseName = gMainDBName

  dbaCandidateProject.DatabaseName = gMainDBName

  dbaSkillJob.DatabaseName = gMainDBName

  'Refresh all the controls.









  SetDatabase = True  'Successful.

  Exit Function


  SetDatabase = False 'Unsuccessful.

End Function

The SetDatabase function is called both at startup with the default database name of MAKETEAM passed as the parameter. It also runs when the user elects to open a new database. When it runs, this function sets a global dynamic data access object called gMainDB to the selected database to simplify ad-hoc data access throughout the program. In particular, the GENSQL.BAS module contains three general purpose data access routines that are usually called with gMainDB as a parameter. These routines are as follows:


'Returns number of records in set defined by the "From" and "Where".


Function SQLResultCount(MyDB As DATABASE, From$, Where$) As Long

  Dim MyData As Recordset, SQL$

  SQL$ = "Select count(*) as [total] from " + From$ + _

         IIf(Len(Trim$(Where$)) > 0, " where " + Where$, "")

  Set MyData = MyDB.OpenRecordset(SQL$, dbOpenDynaset)

  If MyData.RecordCount = 0 Then

    SQLResultCount = 0



    SQLResultCount = MyData![total]

  End If

End Function


'Returns value of field named in "aField$" of "MyDB" after applying the

'"From" and "Where" portions of the SQL statement.

'This only returns the value in last record.  If the record is not

'found, the empty string is returned.


Function SQLResultStr(MyDB As DATABASE, aField$, From$, Where$) As String

  Dim MyData As Recordset, SQL$

  SQL$ = "Select " + aField + " as [result] from " + From$ + _

         IIf(Len(Trim$(Where$)) > 0, " where " + Where$, "")

  Set MyData = MyDB.OpenRecordset(SQL$, dbOpenDynaset)

  If MyData.RecordCount = 0 Then

    SQLResultStr = ""     'Send empty string.



    SQLResultStr = MyData![result]

  End If

End Function


'Returns sum of values in "SumField" of "MyDB" after applying the

'"From" and "Where" portions of the SQL statement.


Function SQLResultSum(MyDB As DATABASE, SumField As String, From$, Where$) As Long

  Dim MyData As Recordset, SQL$

  SQL$ = "Select sum(" + SumField + ") as [total] from " + From$ + _

         IIf(Len(Trim$(Where$)) > 0, " where " + Where$, "")

  Set MyData = MyDB.OpenRecordset(SQL$, dbOpenDynaset)

  If MyData.RecordCount = 0 Then

    SQLResultSum = 0     'Send empty string.



    SQLResultSum = MyData![total]

  End If

End Function

These general purpose functions require just a few parameters to carry out some otherwise tediously coded syntax queries. The MINIMIZE.BAS module uses them extensively for data processing. In the case of BTS, the MyDB parameter is always set to the gMainDB data access object.

Synchronizing DBList Controls

The BTS program has several instances of lists that control other lists. For example, the Titles tab page has a list of existing titles on the left and a list of skills for the selected title at the right. The synchronization is done by using a Text box as follows:

One issue to watch out for when using this synchronization method is that VB will trigger the Change event of the text box as it loads the form. To keep your code from trying to synchronize a list with an invalid key value, you may want to place a flag value, such as -1, into the text box at design time. Then at runtime, you can check for this value and exit your processing during the form load.

Although most of the DBLists could have been implemented with data-aware Grid controls, none were available at the time this program was written. However, if you have access to DBGrid controls you may want to use them in your projects instead of DBList. The DBGrid control dynamics are very similar to those of the DBList, but they display multiple columns with greater ease.

Displaying Database Pictures

Visual Basic 4.0 can directly bind the Image and Picturebox controls to an OLE type BLOB field for graphic display and entry. The advantage of using the Image control is that it uses fewer system resources and displays faster than the picture control. The disadvantage is that it does not crop the input image. To keep odd-size images from spilling into the form space, BTS uses the Picturebox control.

Picture setting in BTS is done through the Copy/Paste method. To add a picture to a Candidate record in BTS, follow these steps:

  1. Load your picture into the Paint program and copy it by selecting Copy from the Edit menu.

  2. Select the BTS picture box by clicking on it with the mouse pointer.

  3. Select the Paste option from the BTS Edit menu.

The code that implements this functionality also handles the cut/copy/paste functionality for all the other controls in the BTS program. The subroutines from BTS are attached to the menu and are as follows:

Private Sub editCut_Click()

  ' First do the same as a copy.


  ' Now clear contents of active control.

  If TypeOf Screen.ActiveControl Is TextBox Then

    Screen.ActiveControl.SelText = ""

  ElseIf TypeOf Screen.ActiveControl Is ComboBox Then

    Screen.ActiveControl.TEXT = ""

  ElseIf TypeOf Screen.ActiveControl Is PictureBox Then

    Screen.ActiveControl.picture = LoadPicture()

  ElseIf TypeOf Screen.ActiveControl Is ListBox Then

    Screen.ActiveControl.RemoveItem Screen.ActiveControl.ListIndex


    ' No action makes sense for the other controls.

  End If

End Sub

Private Sub editCopy_Click()


  If TypeOf Screen.ActiveControl Is TextBox Then

    Clipboard.SetText Screen.ActiveControl.SelText

  ElseIf TypeOf Screen.ActiveControl Is ComboBox Then

    Clipboard.SetText Screen.ActiveControl.TEXT

  ElseIf TypeOf Screen.ActiveControl Is PictureBox Then

    Clipboard.SetData Screen.ActiveControl.picture

  ElseIf TypeOf Screen.ActiveControl Is ListBox Then

    Clipboard.SetText Screen.ActiveControl.TEXT


    ' No action makes sense for the other controls.

  End If

End Sub

Private Sub editPaste_Click()

  If TypeOf Screen.ActiveControl Is TextBox Then

    Screen.ActiveControl.SelText = Clipboard.GetText()

  ElseIf TypeOf Screen.ActiveControl Is ComboBox Then

    Screen.ActiveControl.TEXT = Clipboard.GetText()

  ElseIf TypeOf Screen.ActiveControl Is PictureBox Then

    Screen.ActiveControl.picture = Clipboard.GetData()

  ElseIf TypeOf Screen.ActiveControl Is ListBox Then

    Screen.ActiveControl.AddItem Clipboard.GetText()


    ' No action makes sense for the other controls.

  End If

End Sub

The naming convention for menus in the BTS program is to prefix the menu options with the menu name. So, editCopy_Click is the Click event handler for the Copy function of the Edit menu.


The BTS program applies some complex coding concepts to identify an optimal project team. Some explanation of the Branch and Bound algorithm and other computer science esoterica are explored here as they apply to Visual Basic 4.0, although in brief form.

The chapter also covers more bread and butter Visual Basic 4.0 development items implemented in BTS, such as employing a splash screen and accessing a database through code and data controls. These and other topics were discussed with examples.

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